Sermon Series
Sermon Series
"Draw The Circle Wide"
2020 Easter Series
for the friends and members of
The United Church in Christ of St. Augustine
Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5b
As Easter people, we are called to dance our dances of freedom for all the world to see. Dances of hope. Dances of justice. Dances of love. For the next few weeks, post-resurrection stories will point us to the joy of living in the beloved community and inviting others to join us as we dance and sing. They will also invite us to consider exactly what it takes for diverse people to learn to dance together. We hope you will join us in the dance.
The Second Sunday of Easter
April 8th
Guest Speaker: Reverend Dr. Warren Clark
Message: "The Rafts on the River"
Scriptures: Psalm 72:1-7, Isaiah 60:1-5a, Luke 24: 13-16, 28-35
What if "epiphanies" are not rare, but regular outpourings of the Loving Creative Power for Good (many call God)?
Warren describes a simple way he stays open to In-sight. Then he tells two stories about epiphany experiences that shape his current actions for service and justice. A "Challenge Card" to take-home describes a spiritual practice that can keep us open to In-sights, and positively engaged for a fair and compassionate world.
The Third Sunday of Easter
April 15th
Guest Speaker: Reverend Dick Glessner
Message: "Emmaus. Seriously."
Scriptures: Luke 24:13-33
"By This We Will Know: The Dance of Love"
…that they may all be one. John 17:21
How do we know the rhythm and dance of our lives is faithful? Drummer of the Grateful Dead, Mickey Hart, wrote: "To fall in love is to fall in rhythm." Love for others is the rhythm of Jesus; loving others is the rhythm we follow. In the face of societal rules and attitudes which strive to foster "everyone for themselves," they will know we are Christians by our rhythm of love for others. How might we find the music which draws us together? How might we fall into rhythm with neighbor? How might we use our rhythm to build up the whole?
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 22nd
Haqqiqa Lynn McRee
After worship dance led by our very own Haqqiqa Lynn McRee Leader of "Dance for Universal Peace", St. Augustine Dance Circle
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 29th
How can I understand, unless someone guides me?
Acts 8:31
"Guide My Steps: From You Comes My Praise"
The Ethiopian says, "How can I understand, unless someone guides me?" So Phillip begins to proclaim the good news of Jesus and the eunuch commands his chariot to stop so he can go down to the water and be baptized. How has the testimony of people in our lives and through the generations guided our steps into dances of praise at the good news that we are loved and blessed? What transformation is possible as we abide with God and 'find our groove' of praise
with others?
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 6th
For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.
Isaiah 55:12a
"Break Forth! Do Not Hold Back"
The scriptures for this Sunday describe everything in creation offering joyful noises to God. Our joy is complete because the joy of Christ resides within us. We cannot help but break forth. This joy is available to all, is what the community described in Acts soon realizes. The Holy Spirit dances its way with and among the most unlikely of people in the most unlikely of places. Where do we see the Spirit dancing? And who can withhold the rhythm of the living water? Who can stop us from joy-filled dancing? No one!
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 13th
Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy! Psalm 47:1
"Gone Up With a Shout: Clap Your Hands"
As Jesus prepares to leave the disciples, he opens their minds and blesses them. The result after he ascends is their return to Jerusalem with great joy and a desire for continually worshiping and blessing God in the temple. What happens when the eyes of our hearts are enlightened? We know the hope that we have been called to. As we wait for the Spirit with hope, we celebrate with abandon, as we follow the one who dances the dance of justice and love.
May 20th
I prophesied to the bones, as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast multitude.
Ezekiel 37:10
Ezekiel has a vision of a valley full of bones receiving life, breath, sinew and flesh after encountering the word of God. When they arise, they receive the spirit and dance! As Easter people, we celebrate the Spirit that continues to give life and breath to our dry bones. We dare to dance in the face of fear, in the face of cynicism, in the face of despair. We dare to dance as long as we live for we, like the early Christians, are the recipients of the Spirit of God which interceded even when we think we can't make it to the dance floor. Together, we dare to dance again!