My Testimony
My Testimony
Ellen Roffman
January 28, 2018
I’ve been asked to speak on why I attend UCC St. Augustine, and as it happens today is the perfect time to speak since I’m officially joining the church today. It is hard to believe that I’m not a member yet, since I’m here every Sunday!
Perhaps subconsciously I’ve dragged my feet on officially joining since it’s been hard to let go of my former church and community in Vermont. But ultimately, I’ve been drawn to both the Vermont church and St. Augustine church for the same reasons.
I don’t come to church because I’m deeply religious in the traditional sense. I believe that all religions are systems, often beautiful systems, that ideally help people connect with a higher power, surrender their own egos, and choose to live moral lives. To me, it is the intent that is important, the focus on intentionally being a decent person, living one’s values, and trying to be an agent for goodness in this world.
At UCC St. Augustine, I feel at home expressing these views, and can connect with others with whom I share the same values of social justice. I enjoy and respect the people here, and consider this community as another family. I love as we sit quietly and pray together, and I really enjoy Donna’s sermons. I love that we have Angel wings painted on the side of the building, that we have a rainbow banner, and that I can always count on a thought-provoking conversation during coffee hour.
It’s important for me to give back to this community that I rely on. I give modest financial support that I can afford, but also serve as a Deacon, which as it turns out is a pretty creative role, preparing the sanctuary for worship. I pitch in with other projects and behind the scenes as much as I can. and look forward to doing more when I actually retire!
This is a time of real optimism at our church. With several new programs in the works and highly talented people to lead those programs, we’re the “little church that could.” Now is the time to support our “little church that will” in whatever way you can.